feedback culture

The foundations of a phenomenal feedback culture

Are you a quest to improve the feedback culture in your organisation? That’s a noble quest, and one that we’d like to join you on. We’ll be the Gandalf to your Frodo, the Yoda to your Luke… get the picture? Join us for a journey into what it takes to build a phenomenal feedback culture …

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developing your strengths

The importance of developing your strengths

How often do you spend time developing your strengths? Neurological studies indicate that we are hardwired to excel when we are focusing on our areas of strength. Despite this, we often spend most of our time and energy on trying to get from bad to merely mediocre in our areas of weakness. Keep on reading …

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The truth about perfectionism in the workplace

As well-meaning as the term sounds, perfectionism is far less than perfect. It’s actually pretty destructive and can be the invisible thread that is holding your people back from achieving their full potential. If you’re curious as to how perfectionism could be impacting your team or hindering your own performance, keep on reading.   What …

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team rituals

Creating team rituals that people actually enjoy

Do you have team rituals that inspire, empower and add a bit of fun to your workplace? If not, we’ve got to remedy that asap. It’s a great thing you stumbled upon this here blog post. Team rituals are the backbone of every high-performing, highly-engaged workplace. They give us something to rally around, something to …

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best team rituals

7 of the best team rituals to get you thinking outside of the box

Team rituals are the glue that holds workplace cultures together through times of challenge and change. They’re fun, interactive and the most successful ones are closely tied to company values. We know rituals are important, but how do we take them to the next level? While switching up your regular team meeting to a standing …

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reset your focus

How to reset your focus in a stressful moment at work

If you want to achieve peak performance in your work life, you’ve got to find ways to reset your focus. Things will crop up; mistakes will be made; projects will challenge you and situations might give you a headache from time to time. Whatever is causing you to stress at work, give yourself the tools …

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saying no at work

Getting comfortable saying no at work (and why it’s difficult)

If you struggle with saying no at work, you’re not alone. Many people struggle to say no to both work-related requests and personal commitments, regardless of how much they actually don’t want to do that thing. As homo sapiens, our brains are wired to say yes to our peers thanks to a little thing called …

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non verbal communication techniques

Non-verbal communication techniques leaders should know

Any leader worth their salt takes the time to learn and master the art of non-verbal communication techniques. Sure, it feels a bit weird at first, but these subtle changes can make a big impact on the way people perceive you and interpret your message. The correct use of non-verbal communication techniques is a game-changer …

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