benefits of adopting a work from anywhere approach

Benefits of adopting a Work From Anywhere approach in your workplace

A battle royale has emerged in workplaces in our post-COVID world. A title with a huge reward for the victor…welcome to the fight for the future of work. [cue ring announcer voice] In the red corner, are the co-located office traditionalists. Weighing in with decades of inbuilt expectation and a proven track record. The former …

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collaboration for hybrid teams

Collaboration for hybrid teams | How to collaborate effectively in hybrid teams

Collaboration for hybrid teams can be a challenge, but that’s not to say that other teams don’t face similar or the very same challenges in the pursuit for excellence. Collaboration is a long-standing, never-ending conundrum for many of us. But with hybrid teams navigating having half of their team working remote with the others working …

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how to disconnect from work

How to disconnect from work when you work from home

Are you struggling to disconnect from work and ‘switch off’ at the end of the day? It’s a common problem for people of all walks of life, but it can be particularly potent when you’re working from home in the middle of a global pandemic. Yikes. In this article, we’re going to give you some …

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work from home routine

A pragmatic work from home routine

As we settle into the new world of work we’re all slowly beginning to find our feet (and the mute button on Zoom). While working from home can be incredibly effective and productive when done well, it can have the opposite effect if your work from home routine isn’t working for you. Today we’re going …

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to do list

How to hack your to-do list for motivation and productivity

Whether you’re a part of a self-managed team or a team that’s been thrown into the routine of working from home, this article will help you amp up your performance.  Today we’re talking about how to hack your to-do list for added motivation and productivity. You don’t need any fancy-pants software or robust tech to …

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work from home with your spouse

How to work from home with your spouse

Quick question: has the honeymoon ended yet? I’m not talking about an actual honeymoon if you were one of the few people who still got married out there in the past fortnight. I’m taking about the global honeymoon – your work from home (WFH) honeymoon. Our world has shifted As the majority of the nation …

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set up for a zoom call

How to set up your space for a Zoom call (or any virtual meeting)

Whether it’s your first time working from home or this isn’t your first rodeo, we thought it might be a tad pragmatic to share a step-by-step guide to help you set up your space for a Zoom call. Virtual meetings don’t have quite the same ‘ring’ to them as face-to-face meetings, but with where we’re …

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