building resilience through locus of control

What is locus of control : Psychology concepts for the workplace

It’s no secret that in recent years we’ve experienced significantly challenging circumstances on a global scale, with relentless change and ongoing uncertainty lingering in the background.  Now more than ever, we as individuals and as leaders in the workplace want to build resilience. Actually, it’s more than a want, it’s a need. For us to …

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The Art of Mentoring

Mentoring can play a critical role in shaping connections, learning, growth and innovation within workplaces. But, done poorly, mentoring can be a weapon for ‘do it this way because it’s the way we’ve always done it around here’. There is an art to building great mentoring relationships that have a contribution beyond just someone great …

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Top Five Regrets of Executives 2023

Top Five Regrets of Executives So often in the corporate career trajectory we believe that the higher up we get the more successful we become. Although if we’re not paying attention it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of the role and lose sight of what really matters. How do you avoid getting …

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New Intelligence Leadership

New Intelligence Leadership: why it’s more than simply EQ rebadged In an ever-changing world, the conversation surrounding the requisite skills for leaders is quickly shifting. The old paradigms of skills-based leadership, while still useful in part, are not the basis for leadership in the future of work. The emergent conversation is around New Intelligence Leadership, …

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6 Must-Read Leadership Books for 2023

Across the last few years, regardless of industry, leaders have needed to step into uncertainty and shifting environments at a rapid pace; and great leaders have risen to this challenge. As 2023 starts to settle in these leaders bring with them recent skills, lessons and tools in order to adapt, shift and align teams and …

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Fun Activities for Online Meetings

Three Fun Activities For Online Meetings When it comes to fun activities for online meetings, it can be the last thing on our list when we just need to get the work done. But the way that we work has changed. Remember when the world first moved en-masse away from face-to-face meetings in favour of …

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What are the benefits of leadership training?

Great leaders aren’t born, they’re trained. And if you aren’t investing in training your leaders, you are missing a vital opportunity to shape your culture. So what are the benefits of leadership training? Leadership training helps to change behaviour, and in today’s ever evolving hybrid-virtual-contact world, having leaders with the confidence and skills to evolve …

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Is leadership training effective?

If you learned a new language for a day, and then never spoke it again. Would that have been an effective use of your time? Unlikely. The same is true for leadership training, for it to be effective, it needs to be put into action. True leadership development only becomes a return on investment when …

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australian employers embracing a hybrid work model into the future

Is leadership training important?

Short answer—yes. Long answer—also yes—if it’s effective training. A question often gets asked by some organisations – ‘What if you train people and they leave? All that investment, walking out the door. It’s true and it can happen. But there’s a confronting alternative. What if you DON’T train your people and they STAY?’. The way …

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6 Must-read leadership books of 2022

6 Must-Read Leadership Books of 2022 Looking to expand your leadership skills in 2022? Have you made the New Years resolution to invest more in your own development? Here at PT books are our weakness. The expansion of ideas, the latest research and the challenge of possibility that great books offer is something we can’t …

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