collaboration for hybrid teams

Collaboration for hybrid teams | How to collaborate effectively in hybrid teams

Collaboration for hybrid teams can be a challenge, but that’s not to say that other teams don’t face similar or the very same challenges in the pursuit for excellence. Collaboration is a long-standing, never-ending conundrum for many of us. But with hybrid teams navigating having half of their team working remote with the others working …

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virtual learning masterclasses

8 reasons to consider virtual learning masterclasses

Virtual learning has certainly picked up in popularity over the last six months, and it’s not going away anytime soon. In fact, today we’re going to explore a type of virtual learning that you may not have yet considered, but one that’ll make a big difference to your people. Read on to find out why …

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is virtual learning cheaper

Is virtual learning cheaper than face-to-face training?

Face-to-face training has been the standard in training delivery for a long time, but with the sudden shift to remote work in 2020, most organisations moved to offering virtual learning as an alternative. While many L&D professionals and organisational leaders were skeptical of virtual training delivery and its effectiveness, over the last few months opinions …

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Strategies to maintain energy and engagement in virtual training

The need to convey your message still exists and yet the platforms to express that message have increased, no longer just email, phone call, text message or the face-to-face team meeting. Leaders and team members are spending more time in video conference rooms or leaning into their screens to learn, connect and share. All while …

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how to choose a virtual training company

How to choose a virtual training company

Have you been tasked with sourcing an external provider for virtual training delivery? Perhaps you’re a leader looking to raise the capability in your crew and considering what virtual training options are out there. You’re not alone. Learning and Development professionals and leaders across the world are now having to adapt their plans for skills …

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virtual learning experience

Essential elements of an engaging virtual learning experience

Creating an engaging virtual learning experience is no longer a ‘nice to have’ but a necessity for organisations continuing on the path of distributed work.  With restrictions coming back into full swing in Victoria, we’re reminded of the long road ahead and the adaptability required to increase organisational capability with teams working remotely. Virtual learning …

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