In the professional development world there are plenty of tools that have been developed to support in-depth analysis of an individual’s abilities and preferences. For those in the leadership development space specifically, you may have come across the LSI or Life Styles Inventory or the AVI or A Values Inventory assessment.

Both of these inventories provide fascinating insights that can support and strengthen leadership development outcomes. To learn more about both of these assessments, read on.


Professional Development Tool – Life Styles Inventory

LSI – Life Styles Inventory

The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is an effective tool in supporting individuals to change their thinking and behavioural styles. It incorporates a 360-feedback component and has been referenced in numerous books, journals and has even been featured in The Wall Street Journal.

The results and recommendations from the LSI are provided in a detailed, individualised report that is developed from the results of the self-assessment and 360-feedback assessment. The outcomes can help an individual to discover new ways to increase effectiveness in their roles, improve likelihood of achieving goals as well as improving interpersonal skills and relationships.

The LSI report is broken down into 12 important thinking and behavioural styles that can assist in identifying individual strengths, blind spots and common roadblocks.


Professional Development Tool – A Values Inventory

AVI – A Values Inventory

A Values Inventory or AVI report is a detailed and highly introspective report that identifies your top ten values. This assessment evolved out of the Hall-Tonna Inventory of Values. Over a twenty-year period of research into the nature of values, Brian Hall and Benjamin Tonna came to identify 125 values that encompass the critical values that have the potential to appear in the life-long growth and development of an individual.

By taking an inventory of your values, you transform your values into conscious priorities. Insight into your priority values reveals why certain situations or circumstances make your heart sing while others raise walls of frustration. Knowing your values better equips you to take charge of your life, your leadership and give you the best chance of living the life you desire.

We have incorporated the AVI into our Lead Boldly program as an essential component in our Identity module. Understanding your values is an integral part of reaching your full leadership potential.